this is mostly what i do :)
Chin, N., Schell-Smith, K., Feng, Y. (2024)
Chin, N. & Vo, D. (2024)
Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance
Richmond, M., Lee, M., Chin, N., Nirula, A. (2024)
Connolly, J., Richmond, M., Wallock, W., Abraham, S., Chin, N., Grant, C. (2024)
Climate Policy Initiative & I4CE
Chin, N., Pinko, N., Olutoke, J., Eschalier, C., Zamarioli Santos, L., Bendahou, S. (2024)
Chin, N., Schell-Smith, K., Pinko, N. (2024)
Climate Policy Initiative & E3G
Ahlgren, V., Sabogal, L., Chin, N., Bagnera, E., Pinko, N. (2023)
Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance
Negrieros, P., Bagnera, E., Abdullah, H., La Salle, J.M., Chin, N., Vieira, A., Tonkonogy, B. (2023)
Ortega Pastor, A., Pinko, N., Chin, N., & Tonkonogy, B. (2022)
Global Center on Adaptation (authored by Climate Policy Initiative)
Richmond, M., Tonkonogy, B., Padmanabhi, R., Ortega Pastor, A., Chin, N., & Hebbale, C. (2022)
World Resources Institute: Insights
Chin, N. & Elliott, C. (2021)
Escalante, D., Choi, J., & Chin, N. (2020)
i sometimes do research work outside of my primary field — where i lack expertise i try to make up for it with curiosity!
Weiss, D., Spitzer, M., Cronin, C., & Chin, N. (2023)
Chin, N. & Wu, Y. (2022)
R code available on Github.
Chin, N., Dasaraju, S., Nair-Desai, S., & Nambiar, K. (2022)